How To - Relaxing & Self-Care On A World Trip


We’ve been on the road for nearly six months now, meaning we’ve unpacked, explored, packed, and repeated every day for 186 days. Between many busy itineraries, we’ve been on countless trains, planes, various types of automobiles, and boats. Between the daily hustle and bustle, it can be tough to take a moment for ourselves or for each other. So, as the months have rolled by (faster than expected), we’ve found ways to prioritize moments for relaxing and self-care – continue below for what we’ve learned!

  • Make the time you need // Saving some time during the day initially made us feel guilty, as we knew we already had so little time in each new destination. As time went on and we began to feel the strain of exploring from morning ‘till night, we decided it was time to reserve a bit of time during the day for relaxation. This means allowing ourselves to sleep in, lying in bed for a while, going back to the hotel in the afternoons on hot days to cool off, or simply taking more time at a coffee shop when we need a break. An extra moment to breathe, relax, and recharge can make all the difference in feeling energized for more adventure.

  • Create a comforting routine for yourself // Before we left for this trip, I didn’t quite realize that we would be leaving our routines behind, literally everything we knew from work, grocery shopping, cooking, relaxing, exercise, and even skincare! While some of these routines still exist, like skincare, they are now a stripped down and quicker version of what they used to be. Despite this, I make an effort to maintain these rituals as a means to create consistency in my day-to-day life. For the routines we’ve lost entirely, like cooking, we’ve made an effort to create entirely new ones, like watching an episode of a TV show before bed or laying out tomorrow’s outfit. With our days moving at an insane pace and our environments changing minute to minute, our daily rituals create something familiar we can look forward to.

  • Indulge in little luxuries // Let me tell you: a quick shower at the lounge makes all the difference in feeling calm and refreshed during a long travel day. This is just one of the little joys we prioritize to add comfort to our travel. When the budget allows and we feel we may need a place to retreat, we also make an effort to book “nicer” hotels. The criteria here is a bigger room, breakfast included, or the addition of a pool that we can use to cool off in hotter climates (here’s looking at you, Southeast Asia). These improvements to our travel aren’t necessarily daily, but can be sporadic or are considered when we have an increased need for them. This is usually after more “rugged” travel, like after camping or staying off the beaten track. We’ve found that adding these little luxuries can layer in comforts that provide subtle moments to rest. 

  • Focus on each other // While we spend a lot of time together, we’ve found that it’s easy to forget how important it can be to make time for romantic moments with just the two of us. With that, we’ve enjoyed planning cute date nights or buying each other drinks out of our own pockets. Even though a date night dinner may seem similar to everyday-dinner, we make an effort to choose unique restaurants, cook for each other (when we can), and dress up in our nicest clothes to make it special!

  • Find time alone // We truly do spend every moment of the day together! We haven’t wanted to kill each other just yet, but sometimes it's nice to have time for yourself. While these moments are rare, we’ve found that a little alone-time can help reset any stress and make you realize how much you do enjoy spending time with each other! For example, while a friend was in Chiang Mai with us, the boys drove moped out to a waterfall while I spent the day wandering the city, popping into shops and cafes as I went. While I’m sure Jackson would have happily done this with me, I was able to go at my own pace and wander wherever I pleased!

  • Follow your cravings // Similar to wanting to spend every available moment exploring, you’ll find yourself wanting to try the local cuisine every chance you get. I would definitely recommend immersing yourself in local culture, but know that it’s okay to order a familiar dish when you’re craving it! We’ve been eating our way through curries, noodles, and fried rice for weeks now and recently, we simply couldn’t resist ordering Käsespätzle when we stumbled upon a German-Swiss restaurant. While you aren’t really “resting” or “relaxing” by ordering a familiar dish, comfort food can help you feel connected to home and offer some normality while on the road.

  • Make time for family and friends // Traveling for a while can make you feel detached from the people and places you left behind. They definitely feel the distance too! Make sure to find time to catch up with friends and family on a regular basis. Having a good belly laugh with your girls or telling your dad about a cool snorkel trip can help release some of the stress of being isolated from that part of your life. I’ve felt some FOMO over the last few months and a longing to be back in Phoenix or Zurich, but keeping that tug alive will make the joy of going back all the greater. 

Final Words

Putting yourself first should never come with guilt or be a stressor, whether you’re on a long-term trip or living your life day-to-day. It’s important to realize that you’ll only enjoy yourself if you feel healthy, happy, and relaxed. It can be especially taxing to bop from place to place without a break, unpacking and repacking your entire life, and trying to find moments in between to recharge. So, while it may seem a bit silly to plan the above elements in, making time for yourself separate from your trip itinerary can make the trip itself all the more enjoyable in the long-run.


Trip Report - Thailand


Trip Report - Lao