
Hi there!

We’re Jackson and Sarah - a couple with a passion for seeing the world and we’re making our dreams a reality! Welcome to our diary, travel log, ramblings, etc.! We’d love to share a little about ourselves…

Sarah was born in New York City in the 90s and is incredibly lucky to have two German parents who had caught the travel bug long before she arrived. From a young age, she accompanied her Mami and Papi to new places - from Tunisia to France and Chile. As she grew older, she has always been a part of an international community, teaching her to be open to change, new cultures, and keeping her curiosity for the unknown alive.

Jackson grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and spent most of his childhood exploring nearby trails and soaking up the desert landscape. Jackson’s dad inspired him with stories of his own nomadic travels in his youth, while his mom sparked his interest in the histories of all the destinations he would later visit. With this bright foundation, Jackson discovered his own passion for travel during his college years when he took a leap to move abroad and study in London.

Our paths crossed in London at a university welcome mixer when we were starting our Masters degree in 2017. Over the next year we grew closer, going on treks through London’s busy streets, trying out new restaurants, and frequenting the Tate Modern. When our Masters course came to an end we went our separate ways, each on extended trips to celebrate surviving our program. Coincidentally (so Jackson says), our trips ended up overlapping in Australia. As we were travelling around the sunburned country together we found that we always had the best time with each other, no matter where in the world we were. After a few months apart, we couldn’t deny our feelings for each other any longer and decided to give long distance a shot! After a gruelling year of late-night FaceTime calls and endless audio notes, we made the move to meet in New York City...juuuust as the pandemic began. From dating through a screen to spending every waking moment together, we were given the ultimate test of any relationship and learned that we love each other’s company - day in and day out. Fast forward to now: we’ve left behind a few amazing years in NYC, moved west-ward to save some money, gotten engaged (!!!), and are now in the midst of planning a year-long trip around the world!!!

So much life has happened in the years since we started dating and we’re so excited for this next chapter of our life together! Before the wedding crazies strike and suburban life lures us in (lol), we’re hoping to fill this coming year with amazing experiences, valuable connections, and maybe even a new perspective on life. 

We’re excited to invite you along for the ride and hopefully inspire you to take a leap towards bringing your own dreams to life!

See you there,

Sarah & Jackson


How To - Plan a Trip Around the World